
Stew Lilker’s

Columbia County Observer

Real news for working families.

Columbia County News

Florida Crown on top again

Florida Crown, one of the highest performing workforce boards in Florida, has been chosen as one of the two organizations in Florida to assist youth with disabilities in preparing for their future and assisting them in securing meaningful employment.

The Institute for Educational Leadership’s (IEL) Center for Workforce Development (CWD) is working with state and local disability organizations across the nation to promote the Ready to Achieve Mentoring Program (RAMP). In Florida, The Able Trust was selected to implement this innovative program, which will connect Florida’s youth with disabilities to expanded opportunities, improving the lives of Floridians and their communities across the State.

Florida Crown - one of two Florida organizations chosen

About The Able Trust
     The Able Trust, also known as the Florida Governor’s Alliance for the Employment of Citizens with Disabilities, is a 501(c) (3) public-private partnership foundation established by the Florida Legislature in 1990.
     Its mission is to be the leader in providing Floridians with disabilities fair employment opportunities through fundraising, grant programs, public awareness and education.
      Since its establishment, The Able Trust has awarded more than $25 million to individuals with disabilities and nonprofit agencies throughout Florida for employment related purposes, enabling more than 2,000 Florida citizens with disabilities to enter the workforce each year.
     The Able Trust youth programs provide career development and transition to almost 2,000 students with disabilities annually, helping to reduce the dropout rate and prepare young adults for life beyond high school.

Each organization chosen to implement RAMP currently serves youth with disabilities, as well as youth with court-involvement, discipline issues, social security enrollment, and incomes below poverty level. Each RAMP community was selected due to extremely high individual, family, and child poverty rates and incomes well below the national average, with higher than average unemployment rates and significant numbers of young adults without a high school diploma.

This 3-year DOJ OJJDP-funded RAMP project will provide one-on-one, group, and peer mentoring to youth with disabilities who live in these communities. Youth will engage in weekly group meetings that will include career exploration activities, recreational opportunities, and goal setting. The RAMP program will increase the number of youth with disabilities who are matched with a caring mentor, remain in school, avoid arrest, and develop transition plans for employment, college, or vocational training.

“Over the past ten years, The Able Trust has seen the value that mentoring adds to career development for students with disabilities in Florida,” Sally Ash, Assistant Director of Disability Mentoring Programs and High School/High Tech for The Able Trust said. “We look forward to launching the Ready to Achieve Mentoring Program (RAMP) this year and opening doors for mentees across the state.”

Across the nation, community-based RAMP sites include several centers for independent living (CILs), youth empowerment programs, disability mentoring programs, High School/High Tech (HS/HT) sites, Start-On-Success program sites, and other employment programs. This grant is provided by IEL and DOJ OJJDP. The Able Trust, Florida Crown Workforce Development Board, and the ILRC of Northeast Florida are subcontractors of IEL for the Florida RAMP project. 

Comments  (to add a comment go here)

On April 14, 2010 Lake City Manager, Wendell Johnson wrote:

Good article on the Florida Crown WFDB.  Its good to see they are using the Able Trust for youths with disabilities.   I did a grant through the Able Trust in 2000 during my last year with the Jackson County Development Council.   It was in partnership with a couple who owned a farm in south Jackson County.   With the grant, they were able to set up a “fruit growing” farm operation for the disabled (mostly kids).  It was one of the “neatest” grants I have ever been involved with and turned out quiet successful


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Florida Crown Affair:

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